My Bedroom

My favorite room in my house is my bedroom. Firstly, my room is upstairs in the top right corner of my house, away from the chaos. In my old house, my room was downstairs and I often felt that it was too close to the guests when they came over. Now that it is upstairs, there is a sense of privacy. When we throw parties or invite people to our house, it is nice knowing that people will not just randomly walk in. I also like that almost everything I need is in or nearby my bedroom. If you exit my room and make a left, you will run into our upstairs bathroom. I also have a desk in the corner of my room to work and study, a trash can underneath it, a bed to sleep on, and a T.V. across from that. As long as I bring snacks into my bedroom, I will have to leave very few times. This was especially helpful when I had Covid because I was able to quarantine myself from my family quite effectively. Finally, I get to design my room the way I like it. My bedroom has several different posters such as a basketball poster, football poster, and a Weezer poster. As well as wall decorations, I also have a beanbag chair which makes for a comfortable place to sit. While my parents get to decorate the rest of the rooms in our house, I have control of what decorations are put up in my bedroom.

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