“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light.” -Albus Dumbledore

The quote in my title is from the third Harry Potter book, The Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling. I interpret the second half of the quote as meaning two different things. The first thing that this could mean is trying to view bad things in a different perspective. When you look into a dark room, you may see dark lumps or shadowy figures. However, when you turn on the lights, you realize that you are really just looking at some clothes, a chair, or maybe some toys which is a lot less intimidating. On days where I come home from school stressed about homework or projects that are almost due, it helps to take a second and think about what I actually have to work on. By mentally turning on the lights, I often find that the work is not as imposing as I made it seem in my head. The other thing that turning on the lights could mean is focusing on the bright things in life. When you’ve had a bad day, a way to cheer yourself up is to point out all of the good things. I often do this when something bad has happened that is beyond my control since there really isn’t much that you can do.

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