20% Project Week 6

While working on my 20% project this week, I completed all three fazes for both my orange and my parrot drawing. Step one is a simple line drawing, step two adds shading onto the drawing, and step three finishes it off with color. While I was supposed to also draw a lantern, I had to scrap this idea as it wouldn’t fit on my trifold. However, this went from being a negative to a positive since I would not have had enough time to draw a lantern as well. I am very stressed out as of right now because I have to present Wednesday and there is still a lot I have to add onto my trifold. Other than the lack of time, I didn’t seem to come across any struggles this week. After I glue a few things onto my board, the only thing I will have left is to present. Thank you for reading, and wish me luck on my presenting.

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