Rad Reading – April

In April, I reads the book Flush by Carl Hiaasen. Flush is a realistic fiction book about a boy named Noah who is trying to prove his father innocent. Noah’s father is a nice man who sometimes finds himself in trouble with the law for trying to bring justice to those who harm nature, and has a tendency to get reckless. This time, he sunk a casino boat known as The Coral Queen for dumping its sewage in the ocean. Noah’s mom is fed up with his father’s nonsense and is filing for divorce. However, despite his father’s accusations, there is no evidence of The Coral Queen dumping its waste in the water. This forces Noah to dig deeper in order to keep his family together and set his dad free.

I really enjoyed this book because of the humor. The way Carl Hiaasen manages to keep the book light hearted despite the topic being serious is just brilliant. I also love how he sprinkles little jokes throughout the book to keep the reader entertained. This story was fun to read and I definitely recommend it.

My favorite character is the funny and filterless little sister, Abbey, because of her outspoken personality. One quote which comes quite early in the book is, “‘All he’s making,’ my sister said, ‘is a jackass of himself.’ ‘Hush, Abbey,’ Mom told her.” This proves to the reader that she has no filter because she will say rude things about her own father without even thinking twice about it.

My favorite quote from the book is on page 44 which states, “‘Dad wouldn’t hurt a flea,’ I said firmly. ‘But would he hurt a human who would hurt a flea?’” I like this quote because I think it’s very important to Noah’s dad’s personality. Noah’s dad is a sweet man who doesn’t like to harm things, but when it’s by means of revenge or justice, the story changes.

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